Rockmart Heritage Days & Welshfest
March 15, 2025
THIS IS AN EVENT FROM A PAST YEAR. 2023 to be announced
Honey Show Rules
* Your cake must be turned in by 12:00 Noon at the Trailhead building; Judging is at 1:00 PM.
General Rules
1. Once entry items have been accepted into the competition by the Show Secretary, items may not be altered.
2. After submitting entries to the Show Secretary, competitors may not enter the area where the entries have been placed.
3. The Secretary, Stewards or Judges are the only person who may enter the honey judging area.
4. Judges will enter the honey show area after the close of entry acceptance. This is to ensure as close to a blind judging as possible.
5. All entries must be produced by the contestant within the last calendar year.
6. Each Member may make only one entry per class. Duplication (same product) of entries by families is prohibited.
7. In instances where the exhibit may qualify for consideration in multiple classes, the Exhibitor shall have the final decision as to which class to enter the exhibit. This selection will not be overturned by the judge(s) and said exhibit will be judged based on the criteria set forth in the selected class.
It is the intention that ribbons will be given in all classes even if there is only one entry in the class. However, in order to receive an award that entry must be worthy of placement. Entry into a class does not guarantee an award. The decisions of the judge(s) are final. Any contestant may meet with the class judge to discuss their entry and ask questions.
Categories for Judging
Show is sponsored by the Polk County Beekeepers:
1. Extracted Honey
2. Black Jar
3. Novice
4. Honey Cake (Traditional)
Class 1: Extracted Honey
extracted honey is judged in three lasses: light, medium, and dark. Entrants may submit one entry in each of these three classes. One entry of extracted honey is defined as three (3) one pound jars.
All forms of extracted hone are to be presented in one-pound queen line glass jars without tamper proof seals. Closures may be of metal or plastic. No labels on the jars. Judges evaluate entries of the following:
1. Cleanliness of the jar and lid.
2. Correct fill level
3. Uniformity of the three jars that comprise the entry.
4. Cleanliness of clarity of the honey
5. Aroma of flavor (for off aromas and or flavors).
Class 2: Black Jar
Entries are to be submitted in a clear jar of any type. A bag or mask the entry will be provided upon entry into the show. Entries must be unmarked and unlabeled, or identifiable in anyway. Judges evaluate entries on the following:
1. An entry is one jar judged for flavor only.
Class 3: Novice
One, one (1) lb. Jar of extracted hone. Open only to exhibitors who have never won first prize at any honey show. Judging criteria is the same as that for extracted honey.
1. Cleanliness of the jar and lid.
2. Correct fill level
3. Uniformity of the three jars that comprise the entry.
4. Cleanliness of clarity of the honey
5. Aroma of flavor (for off aromas and or flavors).
Class 4: Honey Cake (Traditional)
The entrant may submit one honey cake. The cake is to be made according to the recipe below and may not be deviated from in any way. The recipe must be followed exactly as written and all entries will be tasted. Absolutely no flavoring agents are to be added to the recipe. Cakes are to be presented dome up, un-sliced, on a cardboard base, in a standard white cardboard cake box. Judges evaluate entries on the following:
1. Appearance
2. Uniformity
3. Moistness
4. Texture
5. Aroma
6. Flavor
Plain Honey Cake Recipe
2 cups of self-rising flour
8 oz honey by weight
9 ½ Tablespoons butter
2 eggs
pinch of salt
Cream together the butter and honey.
Beat eggs well and add alternately with sifted flour and salt to the honey/butter mixture. If needed add a little milk.
Bake in a greased 8-inch round cake pan at 325 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. No additions to the Honey Cake Recipe Please!